Friday, April 5, 2013

April 4

View point from top of a mountain overlooking Thimphu
by Telecom tower

Voluntary Artist Studio

A compound of many old buildings.  We walked around all different rooms to see ancient Bhutanese art forms being taught.  Rooms included embroidery, painting, silversmith, wood carving, etc.  These students enter around 10th grade and study a specific art for 6 years.  Beautiful stuff!

National Memorial Chorten
Across street from my hospital.  I walked around clock-wise today before work.  Very peaceful and great way to start the day.  Will be doing every morning!

I love these:


  1. I am trying to figure out how to post comments...

  2. Ok, got it! I love that you are blogging. Where did you come up with such a great idea?

    I also love seeing you in the pictures. You look fantastic.

  3. These pictures are incredible. I love that you got out of town for the weekend. When is your first teaching to the OR staff?
