Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hike from Pelseling Goemba

After Mona and I ate breakfast, we decided to join our Thimphu upstair neighbors, the Mortons, and hike down from the Pelseling Goemba (11,400 feet) back to our guest house.  The simple plan was to have our drivers drop us off at the top.  The ride up became much more difficult than expected.  It had been raining and the cars struggled to get up the rocky mountain road.  At one point we all got out and decided to start our hike down.  Mona stayed back in the car for what we thought was the easiest option.  Turns out driving down was harder than driving up! 

On the walk, we came across cattle and sheep.  I guess these animals needed to go from point A to point B?  

See the two people in the back?  They are the ones directing the animals.  The man wearing what you think is a poncho but actually just a piece of plastic is my Dad but of a different nationality.  We weren't sure where we were and this man only speaks Dzongza.  He was all smiles and kept explaining something with a stick and some rocks.  Just kept pointing to the rocks and making lines with his sticks smiling and repeating.   Meanwhile the animals were all over the place.  He kinda looked like dad, too.

Ngaire, me, Oliver, Elise, Bronte
Photographed by Tom the dad

These kids are awesome.  The baby is four and they hike all over.
   Plus, look how cute they are!

Meanwhile, Mona's way down.  Much more treacherous, steep, and slippery than it looks.  It was almost faster to walk down the trail than drive.

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