Friday, April 12, 2013

Big Buddha Viewpoint

Today I went for a hike up to see the Big Buddha.  The statue is 50 meters--3 stories-- tall.  He sits way up on a hill and can be seen from almost every place in the Thimphu valley.

I figured since you could see the Buddha, how hard could it be to hike there.  Once I started walking,  though, I got confused.  I passed a western lady wearing a kira and asked her for directions.  Turns out she is in my meditation class on Tuesdays.  Her name is Pepper and is from California.  She's here volunteering at a women's shelter.  She pointed to two mountain faces yonder and used mountaineering terms in describing how to get to Buddha.  I asked about just taking a road instead of meandering thru the hillside but she wasn't good with the roads.  Pepper is a mountaineer and was confident I'd figure it out.  Off I went.

Beautiful views.  Those are blooming apple trees at the bottom of the photograph.

Big rocks are found on many roofs here

As I was ascending the road, I felt like I was on private property.  There was a man in gho and I asked him where I was.  He told me I was on some government ministers property (huge house).  I apologized and told him I was hiking to Big Buddha.  He laughed and told me to follow him.  He then took me in the back yard and put me on a narrow trail.  It will get me there, he says.

Notice the small path and no paint marks on the trees for help. 

I eventually made it to the road!  I like this picture:  Cows, prayer flags, a cypress tree, and Buddha way up there on hill

At top

Made in China:

On the way back down two Indian guys were taking my picture (kinda weird).  Not to mention I was sweaty, dirty and in my PJ's.  Buddha was right behind me and I asked one to take a picture of me with Buddha in the background.  This is the result:

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